Monday, 30 January 2017

The New Resistants: The Right To Remain Violent EP

New York based band The New Resistants are a loud, gritty rock n roll enthused punk band with something to shout about.

In October of last year, The New Resistants released an EP entitled 'The Right To Remain Violent' - we're focusing on that today.

First up is 'Girl's Gone Crazy'. Starting off with the staple rock n roll edged guitar that features as a recurring theme throughout the EP, this track gets your foot tapping instantly. The roaring drums and scratchy guitars lead seamlessly into the next track - 'Kalashnikov'. There's a good use of echo on the vocals to add to this chaotic track, with muddled guitar and drum parts adding to the intense feel.

In contrast, the following track 'I'm Your Man' features clean guitars, pumping drums and an inviting vocal, lending itself to a rock n roll vibe. A catchy chorus combined with distorted, gritty guitar solos provides a groove that keeps your feet dancing and fingers clicking - along with some great places for the odd bit of air guitar!

'Onny Swar' is the final track on the EP. Building upon the vibe created by tracks that precede it, 'Onny Swar' is a loud, punk infused track that features plenty of places to pump fists and clap hands. The guitars keep soaring higher, drums keep pumping, cymbals crashing even harder and vocals keep up the enthusiasm right until the very last breath. The track ends with the fade out and demise of an electric guitar, a fitting end to a chaotic yet charming rock n roll record.

Until next time...


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