Monday, 7 November 2016

New Music Monday: Jack Carty

Today we have something a little different. 

Introducing Jack Carty, an indie folk artist from Australia.

We asked Jack a few questions so you could get to know him:

How did you get into music?I’ve always loved singing and been really effected by songs ever since I can remember… I’m not sure there was one single “Ah-Ha!” moment though - I think it was just kind-of inevitable.
I became obsessed with the idea of learning to play the drums after my parents took me along to a music festival at about 10. I was only allowed to practice until 6pm though, because of the noise. 
Pretty soon I borrowed mums guitar and started mucking around on it when it was too late to be on the kit.

How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it in three words? 
Go and listen

Where has been your favourite place to play? 
I think maybe Primavera Sound Festival in Barcelona earlier this year. Playing right beside The Meditteranean and packing up in time to go and watch Radiohead live was pretty bonkers. It was amazing to be a part of something that big.

What is your writing process like?
It’s changed a lot over time and I don’t really have a hard-and-fast order in which I do things. Sometimes there’ll be a bolt of inspiration and I’ll sit down and write a song from scratch in one go. Other times I’ll have an idea kicking around in my head for days or weeks and I’ll kind-of wait for it to be ready to come out. It’s not a passive thing, but there is something ethereal about the way songs come about that I find it really difficult to explain. Either way, getting something you can play from beginning to end is just the first part of the process. I spend a lot of time crafting after that. 

Who's your biggest inspiration (in life or in music)? 
At the risk of sounding trite, it would honestly have to be my wife Natasha. There seems to be an overwhelming tendency for things to be over-hyped, over-done and and over-the-top in todays world. I find understated strength, dignity and achievement particularly compelling and inspirational and she epitomises that for me. 

Any advice for aspiring artists?
Work to find and clarify your vision and then work to make it happen. If you know exactly what you are aiming to do it’s easier to stay on track and know when you’re finished.

What can we expect from the next album? 
It’s called ‘Home State’ and I produced, engineered and performed it all myself in the lounge-room of an apartment I was renting in Brisbane, Australia early this year. It’s definitely song and lyric based, but I had a lot of fun playing with textures and grooves as well. I’ve never had so much fun making an album, or been so proud of the end result.

Anything else you'd like to add? 

Thanks for the chat! If people want to find me they can do so at

Jack's latest single 'All At Once' features chill guitars, mellow vocals and creative textures to create a relaxing song with a great narrative. 

Until next time...


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