Over the weekend I was given the pleasure of interviewing Dundee band Model Aeroplanes at CloseUp Festival - this is what happened.
[G] = Grant Irvine
[K] = Kieran Smith
[B] = Ben Buist
[R] = Rory Flemming-Stewart
( ) = My comments during editing
Let's get straight into it, how did you guys get started? How did you guys meet?
[B] Never been good at anything else.
[G] We met in high school, the boys were the year above me and in first year we started jamming.
[R] I think Kieran bullied Grant in the corridor once!
[K] 'Cause he was a first year and I was a second year, it's just what you have to do.
[G] Yeah, he'd step on my heel so my shoe would come off - he's a coward though. We're mates now though so it's fine. But yeah so we met at school and started writing songs, bunking off classes...
[R] Bunking off! (weird hand movement)
[G] Like to write - we're pretty bad ass just to let you know - so we'd go to the music rooms and just sit and write songs when we were meant to be in classes.
That's cool, so it happened naturally.
[All] Yeah, yeah
[G] Yeah it happened really naturally, didn't help our grades though!
[R] I don't even know what I got. I can't even remember what highers I got...I've lost the certificates as well, don't know how to find it online.
[G] I left school with less qualifications than I started with - somehow.